Female work friend (25f) confides to me (57m) that she had been date raped in uni but won't accept my friendship or help

Your only interest in her is as a project. The flipside of sympathy is judgment. Rape victims do not need to be judged.

She does not have anything in common with you. Friendships are based upon equal respect and consideration for and of others.

She does not wish to spend time with you.

As a woman, I find it boring, rude, and tedious to be required socially to explain my positions. I do not want something; let it be. Men are not asked all the time to explain why they like or dislike a thing.

Women demanding friendship and not taking no for an answer/demanding explanations/starting fights/getting mad/starting rumors is the same as men demanding sex, marriage, or dating, and then not taking no for an answer.

/r/rape Thread