Genuine Question

If so, why does this community show their Christianity/conservatism specifically by putting people down and cursing, rather than uplifting the views you hold?

Because your method of enabling sinners isn't working, youth pastor. I grew up with youth pastors. I know how the game works. Hosting pool parties and scavenger hunts for pseudo-Christian kids isn't helping them combat the Satanic Cultural Marxist infiltration attacking them from every angle. Having video game nights and rock bands at church isn't going to shield them from faggots and freaks who want to destroy their lives with sexual deviancy. All you're doing is glorified babysitting, not pastoring.

Be honest with yourself...Are you really shepherding the flock? Are you really a youth pastor? Or are you a babysitter chaperone? When was the last time you warned your kids about Hellfire? Told them that God hates sin and promises to judge the wicked? Told them that loving the world is hatred towards God? Told them to stop idolizing celebrities and filthy musicians and live holy and traditional lives separate from the world?

No, I imagine sundays with you goes like this:

-30 minutes of a rock band singing bland CCM music with whitewashed lyrics like "fill me with your fire God" and "I want to know you more."

-You walk up to the stage: "Welcome to church everybody!! Glad to see some new faces here, rock on dudes!! I'm the youth pastor here, but I promise I'm not boring haha! Right broskies? Ok anyway let's open our Bibles to John 3."

-Everybody opens their bibles to John chapter 3.

-"Ok now according to this NIV translation of the Bible, in verse 16, Jesus says He loves the whole world!! Isn't that great? That means everybody, including Muslims and Atheists and even gay people! Ok guys, that's enough Bible for today. Who wants to play Mario Kart??"

We need to start being real with this issue, and CommonFilth is doing that. He is exposing these disgusting children of Satan for what they are. They are monsters of sin and deserve death, as Romans clearly teaches. Not content to live in their disgusting filth, they seek to spread it to others, especially children. God reserves the hottest fires of Hell for them.

/r/commonfilth Thread