Sekiro Items & Abilities Kanji Translation

Japanese guy here, not a weeaboo.

Praise the (Robert) ロベルトオォォォoo○○∘∘◦◦◦!!!!!

Basics :
死 : Death (Shi) like Shinu or Shinda
危 : Danger (Ki) like Kiken or Abunai
回生 : Resurrection (Kaisei)

Item Use:
治 : Healing (Chi) like Chiyu or Naosu
煙 : Smoke (Kemuri)
癒 Healed (Iya[shi])
祓い : to Purifiy (Harai)
耐怖 Resisting Fear (Tai-o / like Osoreru)
月隠 : Hidden (Tsukigomo) Moon/Kakusu-
last day of the month
竜咳快復 - Dragon Cough Pleasurable Restoration (Ryu Seki Kai Fuku)

Item Sugar (飴 - Candy )
吽護 : Growling/Barking Protection ([Un] Mamoru)
剛幹 - Strength Leadership (Go Kan)
夜叉戮 (Yaksha Riku) Name of Buddhist/Hindu deity Joining

Status Effects
炎上 : in Flames (Enjo)
怖 : Scared (kowa) like Kowai
毒 : Poison (Doku)
年 : Aging (Toshi)

冥助あり : With Help/Aid (Myōjo ari)
忍殺 (Nin Satsu) Ninja Slaying
隻腕の狼 : One Armed Wolf (Seikwan no okami)
鬼仏見出 : Demon Buddha Discovery (Sculptor's Idol Found - sure FromSoft, what the fuck ever?)

Random Japanese Trivia. If you're over the age of 75, the law requires this sticker on the back of your car.

/r/Sekiro Thread