Do any women want to be or wish they could be stay at home moms anymore or is that a thing of the past? Why do you think it’s still desired or not?

My mom was a single woman in the 90's. She had an incredible work ethic and managed to build a very successful career in business from humble beginnings. She would regularly tell me (her daughter) how important it was to work hard, have a career of my own and to climb to the top. When I graduated, she bought me a book, "Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office." For years I believed she was a living, breathing Wonder Woman and I was going to be just like her.

As an adult, I did well in school and advanced quickly in my career field. However, working was never an option for myself or my spouse; rent isn't cheap, a vehicle isn't cheap, insurance isn't cheap and school loans (even from a small state university) are the biggest bill of them all. Also, I'm in the USA, so unless you have FT with benefits, decent and affordable medical care is just a pipe dream. We are both successful and work hard, but live paycheck to paycheck and balk at the potential cost of having kids.

That being said, I'm often conflicted on this topic. I respect working women and those who raise their families full-time. Personally, my own professional success is a huge part of how I view my success as an individual (thanks to my upbringing), but man, am I jealous of my friends who stay home to raise children! The idea of being able raise kids full-time seems like an absolute luxury cost-wise... I can't imagine the financial burden my husband would bear to support our family on one income - the cost of health insurance alone would be insane.

TLDR: Professional success is important to me but if I could afford to be a full-time mom I would choose that in a heartbeat. But bills. Also everyone's situation is different and I respect a woman's right to choose what she feels is best for herself and her family.

/r/AskReddit Thread