giefkid lands the counter hit

Lol alright so yeah I never actually laid a hand on him, and the thing is if I had nobody actually would blame me because he has a history of instigating with people and then saying he's being bullied and pulling the victim card. A classic giefkid example is when he told a black guy he played so aggressively and stubbornly because he came from a "disadvantaged neighborhood" and when he was called out on it he claimed everyone else was in fact the real racists because he'd say that to a white person, deleted his facebook for a month, hit me up with thousands of paragraphs of self important melodrama and when i tried to explain nobody actually thought he was racist he just said some dumb shit he proceeded to make a big deal about how I was racist against white people. He just intentionally pushes people until they don't want to associate with him and then keeps going. He'll also literally text you paragraphs of self important garbage for hours and hours and doesn't understand where that's the least bit creepy or weird. My frustration with him stems from the fact that I've stuck up for him and talked people down from actually wanting to fight him on his behalf, but he continues to just... act like a shitty little kid. All that happened in the video was me going up to him and telling him he needs to stay away from me. I went on mic and made an accusation that wasn't true or accurate, but all of this basically stems from him obsessively refusing to leave me alone, yeah. I'm not sure stalking is the exact term I would use, but it's definitely in the right ballpark.

That being said, I wholly support giving this kid exposure and visibility so we can enjoy seeing him self destruct gloriously and publicly.


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