Where do Ideas come from?

One teacher showed me a 10 dimensional model of understanding reality where there are three primary spheres, wherein the convergence is Reality. I'm fairly certain I have this correct, but could be off, so beware.

The primary 3 spheres are Reason, Meaning, and Substance.

The trinary convergence is Reality. This forms a holism that encompasses all its component sephira and binary relational fields.

Reason ( Logic ) Meaning Meaning ( Thought ) Substance Substance ( Physics ) Reason

The binary relation fields of the above primary three in are indicated in the ( )'s, respectively

So according to this model, Thought is the meeting of Substance and Meaning. What does this mean?

Everything happens for a Reason. There is meaning behind everything. Everything has Substance.

Why do we have thought? Why does thought exist? Thought is the intermediary phenomena that appears in the eye of the mind, the mind as a projective template interface of consciousness that coheres all strata of existence beyond its unified source, wherein the complementary and oppository are equal in neutral balance as pure unformed potential cause for all creation and consequential effect.

We have thoughts about things. Thoughts are things. There may be thinking about thinking. This is such case. Meta-cognition. We have ideas, which are interpolations of relationships that transpose potentials of action. Ideas come from the creative drive to expand the natural directive of life, wherein the imaginatory field of possibility is translocated as potential and connected point to point to magnetically collapse and condense it into manifestation. Our brains help attune this through our mind. Our hearts have torroidal field dynamics in play that help achieve it into the manifest field, by the way you feel, or the weight you field ... which I think is the way you bend and move light in and out of relation to yourself and others- in the general sense of otherness, which is really Self, just in varied relative other form. The brain is the subtle tuner that attenuates the finer, lighter subtle substance of reality in the physical and has templative conscious access through the mind, vision array, etc.

The heart is feeling. What is it to feel? What is feeling? When we feel, it is a quality we feel. The mind is a content. The quality is contented through the contentor, but the quality underlies, literally in our holobionomy, and predisposes the content.

Of coarse, it is possible to distance ourselves from our feelings, and to be cold, detached, to simply content content without fielding it, which has its practical purposes at times, but is ultimately more disconnected than when contenting with quality, which is to say, feeling what it means in relation in the richness of life, and not simply of the mind. This is why we are so so so privellaged to have a body, because we get to feel what it all means. Imagine if we didn't have a body, or when we are even out of body, we are simply parsing the templative aspects of reality in the mind with our consciousness. This walks towards some weird implications and question doorways. It is very late, and I am simply thinking freely. May or may not its content be true, who's to say? I don't know, but I think I know some things, enough to content them and share.

The reason I believe why the heart is the profound pathway to enlightenment, when the head light is in sync with the finer subtle light, is that it is the field sustainer and generator, so to go through that, in stilling it and deeply feeling, to know in its meaning, is to still and sustain yourself in balance and harmony with the whole field of existence, you condense and expand and contract yourself equally in whole, and thus may come to attain full REALEYEsation and enLighTenMent.

/r/Psychonaut Thread