The Glassroots Education Project - Oct 10 ~ 12, Monona Terrace - Madison, WI

Multi-class suitable for complete beginners = that's a good question.

Pretty much every class is going to assume that you have some knowledge of the art and the techniques involved, so it's not going to start from the basics. That being said, if lampworking is something you hope to get involved in, first purchasing and studying a copy of Bandhu Dunham's "Contemporary Lampworking Vol 1 & 2" (volume 3 is nice, but not essential, from a learning standpoint) and then coming out to the multi-class would give you a hell of a step up on beginning. Plus, most lampworkers are pretty damn cool, and remember when they were first starting out, so they also like to help the new guy who is truly interested in learning, so there is the possibility of making many great friends and contacts.

Speaking from a personal standpoint (not as the voice of the Education Project), today is my nine year anniversary of the first class I took. It was actually a three session class and it cost $175. We made some mandrel beads, some pendants and a marble, no hollow work whatsoever. It gave me a love for the art and good grasp of the basics, but man, if something like this had been available at the time, I would have killed for the opportunity to take part in it. Just to get to spend two hours getting to hear any of these people present would have been huge for me.

So yeah, if lampworking is something you're seriously considering getting into, and can make it work, definitely consider trying to make this happen. You'll also get to see some amazing glasswork and hang out with some really cool people, so there are definitely worse ways to spend your money and your time.

We truly hope to see you there.

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