glowing lightbulb:electricity::a good prompt:?? [or: your brain vs the GPU]

let me just say right now I'm going to be so happy when people stop putting extremely detailed and sharp focus and crap like that into their prompts. it is a complete waste of words, and yes, it does affect the outcome of course it does, but they are cheap filler standings for what should be actually thoughtful content, not literal filler.

"Literal filler" in your prompts is actually extremely useful to prevent your other prompt adjustments from completely changing the composition of the image. It's like a ballast that holds the image in place without affecting it TOO much.

I will be happy when people start coming up with their own filler rather than just copy/pasting other people prompts without understanding why though. "Intricate" makes images look like crap as often as it helps.

/r/StableDiffusion Thread