There seems to be a lot of confusion on this sub about what photographs look like.

The photorealism that can be replicated in SD is grounded in a foundation based in the principles of photography. If you want to make an image in SD that approaches a photograph, one needs to start with understanding why a photo looks the way it does, and not with the will to type a pile of words into a prompt. If you want to know what makes a photograph look the way a photograph looks, you can either take photographs with a camera or study it in the abstract by looking at examples of photographs. My intention with this post is to inform redditors, most of whom seem flatly incapable of producing an image that in any way, shape, or form resembles any photograph from any camera in all of human history, that having an image with a wrinkly person in it is not photorealistic. If you want resources on books or articles about photography, I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can.

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