Is God a bad guy?

  • To the vast majority of the Christian faithful, Jesus is God and the Son is always in perfect agreement with the Father because they are the same one unified being. God sacrificed Himself, incarnate as the Son of man to die in agony and to bear the brunt of human evil and reconcile man with Himself, God. That I think is an extraordinary thing, especially when you consider the next point.

  • Humans are incredibly entitled to believe we deserve anything from God. We have done nothing to justify going to heaven and never will do anything to justify going to heaven. Any human that looks in the mirror and calls themself "good" is an arrogant person. God is not obligated to offer us anything at all and yet in His mercy and love for us He does anyway, and offers a means of reconciliation that we are not owed nor do we deserve. It's not a matter of "why don't I get to go to heaven?" rather it's a matter of "why should I?" The answer to that question is that we don't deserve anything and there is not a single human who is without sin, but we can be forgiven despite it.

  • All our suffering is invited into the world by man, if a man kills a man then man is to blame. But in fact, all death and pain was invited in by man. Both pain and hedonistic pleasure are worldy things, but those who refuse to be ruled by them are not of the world. These are the ones who will inherit the kingdom of God.

/r/DebateReligion Thread