Theists continue to misconstrue and misrepresent atheism

Theists continue to misconstrue and misrepresent atheism

The same holds true when it comes to theism.

No atheist anywhere claims, "I have proof that God does not exist" because then someone would say, "ok, what is it?" and the atheist wouldn't have anything to say

That is faulty claim. Suggest to look up gnostic atheist.

God is unfalsifiable. God can be proven. God cannot be disproven. Every atheist knows this

God can be disproven(ask any gnostic atheist).

Many theists say "atheism is just the belief that there is no God"

Originally it was then it was spilt into two agnostic and gnostic atheists.

There is no evidence that God exists.

Correction there is evidence and it’s is convincing to some and some it’s not.

/r/DebateReligion Thread