Going your whole pregnancy knowing your boyfriend/husband may not be the father, yet still leading him on is one of the most emotionally abusive things you can do to someone.

I hate to be rude, but as a child who grew up in a single parent household (the 'good' parent) I have to say that it is my belief that any parents who separate after having children should not get custody of that child.

If you are willing to back out of raising a child with someone else that means that you either didn't know enough about that person before the child was born, which shows horrible judgment and is FAR TOO COMMON, or you simply changed your mind and are making the child suffer for it, which is also horrible judgment.

Here's a fucking crazy idea, how about you stop having children just because you think it's the right thing to do?

Jesus fucking christ, the amount of people procreating with other people they don't even end up liking is fucking abominable.

Take it from a kid whose parents pulled this shit, the only loser here is the kid.

/r/trashy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it