Got a 5kg dry aged, oak smoked brisket... What time and temp do I need to cook this at? I know normally int temp needs to be 92'C... Should I sous vide at 92? Please help

I know this is the sous vide subreddit, but with a piece of meat like that I'd be really tempted to skip the sous vide...

Seems like you are from outside the US and a lot of the comments seem to be coming outside as well. Just inferring due to people using celsius. I only bring this up because I know bbq/smoking can be seen as a very american way of cooking but I'm not expert on that.

Fire is a beautiful thing and the potential flavor, bark, rendering and texture you could impart through a traditional 12ish hour smoke would be unlike anything the sous vide will get you. I love sous vide, but I don't believe that it is the best tool for everything. Just my opinion. Curious to hear how it turns out.

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