Got caught for plagiarism, is it over?

I got really nervous since there was 2 days left before submission so i decided to ask stackoverflow for an answer, while i was constructing the question i found a similar related question that answered exactly what i was looking for in full. I couldn't believe it, so i quickly copied and pasted it, renamed a few variables and submitted the code.

Let me see if I have this right: you had two whole days before the assignment was due, and rather than using those two days to understand the answer you found and code it yourself, you copy-pasta it and change the variables and submit? Yeah, I don't have a lot of sympathy, OP. You were caught red-handed.

Look up your university's academic misconduct and plagiarism policies to see what you're likely in for. Don't make any hasty decisions (dropping out, changing major, changing schools) until you've read the policy and worked through the process.

Also, stop being a fuckin' dope when you're having trouble and seek out the help that is widely available at pretty much every academic institution on the planet.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread