Gowdy: We Need an Apolitical FBI — Can’t Think of Anyone Who’s Done a Better Job of Politicizing the FBI Than Comey Has in Last 36 to 48 Hours

Awesome? I'm not sure what you're referring to. I have seen him work as well, and I came to the conclusion that he was utterly incompetent or that he was actively working to exonerate those he was questioning under oath. The whole purpose of having someone under oath is to ask them specific and pointed questions, so as to elicit specific and narrow responses. This is how you catch them in lies 10 minutes or 6 months or 2 years later. YOU GET THEM TO ANSWER SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ABOUT SPECIFIC THINGS ON THE RECORD. Now go back and watch him scold Hillary during the Benghazi hearings. Why would I need someone to spend so much time speaking and grandstanding and scolding and finger wagging at Hillary? The news cycle moves fast, and it moved on. Only one person benefited from those hearings: Hillary. Gowdy is not your friend. And he is no ally to Trump. Wake up. And for comparison, watch how Kamala Harris questioned Sessions. Actually, watch Harris v Sessions first. Then go watch Gowdy the fraud. Then think about whether or not its possible that Gowdy is a big fraud. And while you're at it, ask yourself if he has done ANYTHING that would be considered supportive of Trump. ANYTHING.

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