Guy puts glitched split screen mode as a discovery and then spends half the segment complaining about the exclusion of this “staple” feature

Split screen is for casual gaming. İf you didn't grow up with it, you wouldn't really understand the loss of the experience for children today. When we were younger, we'd all go to the one friend's house who had the gaming console because our parents couldn't afford it. Over time we begged enough to get our own, but still continued to go over to each other's houses to play because it's a different type of experience.

İf you don't understand, it's fine, but if you do understand and are continuing to bash on people because of their own personal preference, then you're no better than those who are bitching in your screenshot.

And no, this isn't exclusive to children either. You can have a couple of bros come over to drink and play as well, but as of late you usually have a bunch of guys watching 1 dude play because nothing is split screen anymore. You used to be get one of your bros to bring their Xbox over and hook it to the spare tv and keep 8 people playing at the same time having a blast. Hook up lan and you can get a 4v4 going in person.

İt's just an experience that you could never really understand unless you took part in it. İt's a very valid concern.

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