The guy who delivers my weed arrived on time with the pizza girl.

Then this is for you guys:

"He's really cute," thought Kayleigh as she walked back to her car. Things were slow, so she hung around until the dispensary guy walked to his car.

"First time for that," he said as he walked past. "Statistically it was bound to happen eventually, right?"

Kayleigh laughed. "What's your name?"

"I"m Joe," the guy said, stopping at his door.

"Hi Joe, I'm Kayleigh. I was thinking about getting a cup of coffee. Can I get you one?"

"Uh, sure. This was my drop, why not?"

It was a little while in the Bigbys's parking lot and Kayleigh walked out and carried two cups over to where Joe was leaning against the fender of his car.

"One green tea, as requested," she said.

"Thanks, I still feel a little weird about you paying. Just saying."

Kayleigh laughed. "How old are you?"

"Oh, here we go," he said, grinning. "Now you start calling people old fashioned and shit."

"Well, isn't that what it is?" she said, leaning on her car, parked beside his. "You're uncomfortable because the man always pays?"

"Now that you ask, that's not it at all Ms. Conclusion jumper," Joe said. "I used to work at Pizza Papalis, I know how tight money gets, and I do pretty well at this. That's all."

Kayleigh smiled. "Proportionately then, you should be impressed with the value of your tea."

Joe laughed. "It's really some of the best tasting tea I've ever had."

"Now I'm curious, how old are you?"

"I'm thirty five, how old are you?"

"Twenty four, last week. Don't take this the wrong way, but I thought you were older."

"Happy birthday, and how does someone take that the right way? But yeah, I started going gray before I could drink and I have what is called a mature face. I'll be honest though, you look younger."

"I know I'll appreciate it someday, but it's annoying right now," Kayleigh said. "How old did you think I was? Was that why you were creeped out about me paying?"

Joe laughed. "Yes, it was dark back at RevivedHealer's place, I hardly saw your face. Just now I found myself wondering how your first year of college went and how to quickly get myself out of this."

"And here I am, finishing grad school," Kayleigh said. "You know, I feel a lot better now."

"About what?"

"About my overwhelming desire to drag you into the backseat of my car."

Joe looked like he was waiting for the punchline.

"What? That's all," Kayleigh said and sipped her coffee to give the guy a second to catch up.

"Wow, that may have been the last thing in the world I expected you to say," he finally said. "But if you're serious, let's use mine. Only fair, you bought the tea."

Then they were wrapped around each other in Joe's back seat. "Statistically it was bound to happen, right?" Kayleigh breathed into Joes' ear.

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