[H] Customized song that I will write/record/mix just for you about whatever you want. [W] $10 PayPal

Suggestion: Provide the name/practice of
your attorney who drafts the bill of sale and all components of the accompanying contract explicitly terminating all of your rights to your music in addition to the methods used and guaranteed copyright ready, the declaration the entirety of such is 100% original for you to be able to thoroughly and completely sell all portions of this certified but not copyright protected original music for the low price of $10. Running bots through SoundCloud consistently eliminates well in excess of 97% of stuff posted there because AI detects and identifies existing copyright violations in what is thought to be "original" music by the individual(s) who post such. Three seconds of mere similarity to one B side record recorded in 1954 by a no name DooWopFizBand now, per legal precedent, renders your "original" a giant copyright infringement. Copyright, internet patent and music industry laws including production and distribution are a complex web of legalese independent of each other. Slammed together it will certainly cost average Garage Band/ProTools user slightly more than ten bucks. So please do disclose the name of this law firm because the landmark verdict against Robin Thicke, Pharrell Williams and all involved but T.I. for copyright infringement rocked the entire music industry, no pun intended.

/r/redditbay Thread