[H] Mortal Kombat X, GTA V, Cities Skylines, Witcher 3, Ground Zeroes and more! [W] Paypal

How do i know? because you are a fucking moron... (its one of the reasons i even commented in the first place. honestly if you are this stupid, you dont deserve any money).


^ literally the ONLY PLACE ON THE INTERNET with those combos -.-

That alone is 100% undeniable proof.

But to further add, you are "sold out" of gta5 at the time they are also sold out of gta5 (and like again no one else is sold out of it). Then nuuvem does not have call of duty games, and guess what you just happen to not sell call of duty (they have been out of stock like forever) >.>

And then the icing on the cake is prices are all around the same prices on that site (with a mark up for your own profit ofcourse)

you couldnt be caught any more red handed then you already are. take your losses, and sell the rest of your stock on ebay, as thats the only way you will sell them now.

if you wanted to buy the game while they are on sale, and then wait until they are not on sale and sell them for a profit, thats perfectly fine!

But you are literally just marking up the prices on that website... anyone can go there at any time and get it w/o your added charges. So thus i will keep people informed on nuuvems existence.

Also to add

If you use a method with fees, the fees are on you.

This is against paypal terms of service you agreed to. you are NOT allowed to add a charge for paypal goods and services. if you wish to do that, you must add that total into your prices, you can not charge someone more for goods and services or less for gift (in fact using gift for selling items is against tos). that is grounds for your paypal account to be banned.

/r/softwareswap Thread