Hacking is out of control.

Keep defending your dead game bud, cheaters are the majority of the player base.

Valve has the ability to put their AC on level with ESEA's but they won't. You want to know why? It's because the more cheaters they ban in waves, the more copies of the game they can sell. If they were to nuke all cheaters for the good of the legit players, they would kill their income.

I have played this game for many years. Faceit, cevo, ESEA, prime, I played it all. I even dabbled in a bit of cheating a while back (Judge me I don't care, many people have). It is easy to see when someone is using low FOV (Field of view) with smoothing or a blatant triggerbot.

Now, My first comment was a bit generalized. I should've said at around nova3+ rankings as I haven't played on an account below that.

Prime really helps out those who are high ranked and don't want to face cheaters. SMFC/Global rank has a lot of spinbotters, I laughed when you said only 1/20 games a fishy guy. Even Mo faced spinbotters 75% of the games he queued without prime. Anyways, it's not hard to find a phone number for 2$ on the internet to use for prime, I know people who have done it.

Lets take FODDER for example, everyone knew he was a cheater but he kept denying it. There was no proof he was cheating other than speculation based on his gameplay. If you were matched against him, would you just say "Oh darn it, that guy is just better than me." No, you would call his ass out then report The report button does nothing by the way, 11 reports every 22 hours for the person to get sent to overwatch.

KQLY for example, closet cheated AT LAN for a long time, everyone thought he was just good. Nope, he was cheating too.

My point is, the game fucking sucks now because to face a cheater you have to be a cheater.

TL;DR You are defending a game that's cheating problem is a huge meme.

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