Bug Reporting Megathread - Eye in the Sky!

[BUG] Industrial Conveyor does not move items when the 'Min' and 'Max' are the same and 'Require all' is set, unless the input container has resources that exceed the 'Minimum' (AKA Won't transfer if there is only EXACTLY what it needs)

This is on a modded server but I can't see any reason why it would work like this.

This box is hooked up to This conveyor with the displayed filter. It ends up in This industrial crafter, which then gets sent back to the input box.

The first screenshot of the box was taken with everything running, it still won't take out the Cloth, Lowgrade and Metal fragments. Once I put 30 Cloth, 20 Lowgrade and 20 Fragments it begins crafting, but only sends one lot.

/r/playrust Thread