I had a giant (like 15 feet tall on four legs) black labradoodle that I had to take for a walk and it started biting people and barking. I took the dog down and held it there, it turned into a black alpaca and sang a song about how the American dream didn’t apply to it because it was an alpaca.

I saw these exact memes, and they were the last thing I saw. Basically, once the dog started harassing people, I swept it’s legs and did a thing I saw in a tik tok by that one dog trainer guy who put his fingers on the dogs neck to simulate the alpha putting the dog in its place. Once the dog went limp, I stopped and let it get up and it had transformed into a (normal sized) black alpaca and was upset that I had taken it down like that. It started singing this song in a country style with a solo guitar in the background. These are the exact lyrics that the song began with. It has a chorus and more lyrics but I’ve forgotten them.

I just woke up from this. What could this mean?

/r/thomastheplankengine Thread Link - imgur.com