[Entry Thread #85] I’m not toping last year’s rhyme, so instead come in for one great time! Come enter with your comment, then head straight for the summit; millionaire’s being made, and this time in serenade!

Dear reddit user, I implore you to please delete your entry. Here is why: I noticed you have entered a comment in an attempt to win the reddit /r/millionairmakers. I decided not to enter the draw this month in an attempt to instead skew the chances that /u/RelicBeckwelf might be chosen because: "Dear God please. I can't work for amazon for another year"

With that plea, I wanted to skew the draw for /u/RelicBeckwelf but someone mentioned a power move and I realized the REAL power move would be in instead convince everyone to withdraw their comments so that only /u/RelicBeckwelf could win.

I know that not everyone will delete their comments, but if even a few do, it may skew the odds in favor of /u/RelicBeckwelf

So, I beg of you, please join my crusade and maybe, just maybe we'll all make reddit history!

/r/millionairemakers Thread Parent