They had this steal planned either way


i live in the mountains glad im far from the city. just that soros being involved with him comes the rest of the global overlords. its not really the kids throwing tantrums that worries me its paid false flags. i mean if they do like a martial law decree. does that stop obama handing over power?

and my lazy ass looks it up


"These Are Not Normal Times" If Trump Wins, Will Obama Declare Martial Law To Remain In Office?'s Mac Slavo comments: Frankly, this question is raised at the end of every presidential term. But would it ever really happen?

For instance, Bush could have used a terror attack as an excuse to deny office to Obama; many believed he might do so. Fortunately, he didn’t. But it is clear enough that no potential president has ever been so roundly dismissed and attacked by the press and a plurality of American leaders than has Trump – as Michael Snyder notes in detail, Obama and many others have repeatedly issued statements claiming that Trump is unfit for office, and has many other deficits. If Trump does win – and it isn’t just rigged for Hillary – it is possible that it could happen.

Of course, in such a case, Obama won’t ADMIT that Trump is the reason… he too would blame some unprecedented crisis, like an economic collapse or large-scale terror attack. Even then, the move would be very conspicuous. But perhaps at that point, the system will be so cornered that it won’t matter. Millions of Americans would protest in the streets and revolt in every way; but that would in turn only feed the need for riot cops and military troops to keep the peace, further justifying a martial law scenario. Though it seems a remote possibility, there is every chance that America is walking into a nightmare where rights don’t exist and the country is operated under arbitrary emergency rule. Shudder the thought.

/r/The_Donald Thread