So...a hamster just casually came running up to me on my doorstep today...guess he's mine?

So I was doing some weeding outside and I saw this little chicken nugget lookin' guy come up to me out of nowhere, tame as could be. I hadn't had hamster since I was a small child so I knew what he was but I was confused because I live in Florida and...what the hell? They're not native here. I grabbed him and put him in an old shoebox and I figured he got out so Iasked my neighbors.

Turns out one of my neighbors bought him but his kid didn't like him so they dumped him outside (which seems really freaking shitty and horrible), dude crossed the road and happened on me, so I guess he's mine now. They gave me his old tank and the setup they had for him. It's a 10 gallon fishtank with no proper lid, an igloo and a saucer.

I've done research because I like to take care of my animals, and I know that 10 gallons is way too small for a little hamster like this. But I'm in a very bad financial situation and can't afford anything better, I haven't eaten myself in a while due to my situation much less can I take care of this little guy and give him the things he needs.

I'm so torn on what to do, I want to keep him because as silly as it sounds him running up to me is such an unlikely occurence it feels like some sort of sign. But I want him to have a good life, and at least for the moment I can't provide him the care and love that he needs. He has bedding, food, b ut once that runs out I don't know how I'll provide more for him, and I don't know where I can reliably find a good caretaker for him because it seems like most people have no clue how to care for a small animal.

I really need advice.

/r/hamsters Thread Link -