Happy New Year From Dan & Bretty

The locking down and excessive mandates to supposedly "limit transmission" of the coronavirus is blatant over reaching of power and control as well as a waste of resources that can be better spent. Do a little bit of research and you will find that coronavirus is one of the strains responsible for the common cold. Do a little more statistical research and you will also see that the probability of death is higher in individuals who have contracted a flu and far more risky to immunocompromised individuals. Now, I am not an anti-vaxxer by any means nor am I running with any conspiracy theory hype. It seems to me that this virus is here, it is not going anywhere, vaccines are good but are limited in their effectiveness and no national or international organizations will be able to prevent everybody in the world from contracting this virus at some point or another despite popular media opinions. The lockdowns are not helping and they are detrimental to physical health, mental health, financial well-being, and most of all weakening individual immune health of many people. Throughout history the human immune system, with minimal assistance, has been more than sufficient to make it through plague after plague, sickness after sickness and is more than naturally capable of recovering from these things. My full legal name is Mason Fehr, I am a social services worker and I believe that it is in the best interest of the world to cease lockdowns and mandates regarding the covid 19 pandemic and to focus energy and resources on solving our energy or climate crises. The time effort and resources national and world organizations have spent on "limiting transmission" at the expense of personal freedom and the censoring of international news stories regarding the pandemic would have been more than enough to truly make headway on real world issues such as energy and climate. I am privately sharing an online petition to the UN to end the unreasonable mandates and lockdowns. I invite everyone to do their own research and make an informed decision on whether or not to sign and share this petition.


/r/LockdownSkepticismAU Thread Link - i.redd.it