Ukraine seems well-put out to cause division.

When the hell did I ever talk about you being some psyop glow in the darK stuff?

I talked about you being a sub 90 IQ ex con who talks about prison pruno.

If you are going to have some phony arse conflict on Reddit, you don't need to make stuff up.

You are the one acting like I would be afraid to fight you, and now you're saying I need special assistance or something?

You cannot apply the rules of your social worker world to my own.

Will you talk about how you left eighteen messages before I answered; some of us have social lives that preclude us from attending to messages on Reddit on an on-call basis.

We're both looking like idiots here; I will delete this thread myself at 1610; that should be more than enough time for you to read it.

I still want to talk to you in person; now more than ever.

/r/LockdownSkepticismAU Thread Parent