A healthy "little" post-workout breakfast!

I figured I would post this for littles who are looking for ways to satisfy a sweet tooth or try an alternative to a "cheat" food. I usually only have a protein shake for breakfast after my morning workout, but today I had a bigger breakfast and it was super yum! I like the chocolate protein shake because it really tastes like chocolate milk and it has a lot of protein (although actually, regular chocolate milk is a good post-workout snack too, surprisingly!) - I don't crave chocolate at all when I have something like this. The protein bar is also a great option for when you're hungry and want something carby or sweet like a cookie or candy bar. Most protein bars are sugar bombs though, so I always try to find ones that are low in sugar. Finally, I really like gummy vitamins, although they do have sugar in them, so be careful if you choose to get your vitamins this way and you're trying not to consume too much junk! But they help me get in my nutrients and the prenatal versions - even if you're not trying to conceive - are great for your hair, skin, and nails! And everyone should take calcium.

In this picture: GNC Amp 100% Whey protein advanced in double rich chocolate, mixed with one cup of almond milk and one cup of water, Oatmega whey and omega-3 protein bar, prenatal vitamin gummies, calcium and vitamin D supplements, water, and Pascal. Not pictured: a big cup of green tea.

Calorie and relevant nutrition breakdown: * Whey powder: 120 calories, 24g protein, 4g total carbohydrate, 1g fat, 1g sugar * Almond milk: 30 calories, 1g protein, 2g total carbohydrate, 2.5g fat, 0g sugar * Oat protein bar: 190 calories, 14g protein, 21g total carbohydrate, 7g fat, 5g sugars. NB: I usually eat Quest bars instead of these Oatmega bars, but I figured I'd try one instead of taking an Omega-3 supplement today, and although it has too many carbohydrates for me to eat something like this daily, I thought it tasted yummy! * Pascal: 1,000g sugar and sweetness, 0 calories :D * TOTAL: 355 (my vitamins have 15 calories)

Finally, I should note that it is always better to get your nutrients from REAL foods, which is why the rest of the day I'll probably only eat veggies, tuna, and eggs. With a big salad with veggies and tuna for lunch and a few scrambled eggs for dinner, my day's calories will be at around 1300, a healthy amount for my height and weight. Yay!

/r/littlefitness Thread Link - imgur.com