Help Needed with Mouse Script

I somehow forgot to post the code...(this is embarrassing)

Here is the code:

    ;move mouse either by

;holding down capslock ;or winkey capslock to activate toggle (capslock on to work)

;arrowkeys to move/ space and alt to click

SingleInstance Force

set_icon() Return


Gui 1:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner Gui 1:Font,s12,Arial bold Gui 1:Color,White Gui 1:Add,Text,Center vStatus cBlack,Off Gui 1:Show,AutoSize Center Hide Return

If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "P")

q::Click, Down Left *q Up::Click, Up Left ;SPACE::Click, Down Left ;*SPACE Up::Click, Up Left ; *E::Click, Down Right *E Up::Click, Left Right *ALT::Click, Down Right *ALT Up::Click, Left Right

*$a:: *$d:: *$w:: *$s:: key_move_mouse(A_TickCount) KeyWait, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 3) Return


key_move_mouse(time:=0) { pixels := ((A_TickCount - time) > 3000 ? 8 : (A_TickCount - time) > 1500 ? 4 : 2) , m := GetKeyState("Shift", "P") ? 3 : 1 , x := GetKeyState("a", "P") ? pixels * 5 * -1 : GetKeyState("d", "P") ? pixels * 5.0 : 0 ;CHANGE 3.0 TO MAKE FASTER OR SLOWER , y := GetKeyState("w", "P") ? pixels * -5 : GetKeyState("s", "P") ? pixels : 0 MouseMove, % xm, % ym, 0 , R

If (x = 0 && y = 0)
bf := Func("key_move_mouse").bind(time)
SetTimer, % bf, -1


set_icon() { Menu, Tray, Icon, % A_AhkPath, % (GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") ? 1 : 4) Return }

/r/AutoHotkey Thread Parent