Change script triggered by my mouse's position and exclude applications

I'm a noob and only know simple piecing together like this, obviously it won't work, hope someone can help me, thanks a lot.

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


Mouse Scroll v04

by Mikhail V., 2021

tested on Windows 10, AHK 1.1.28


if !(WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1"))

#SingleInstance force

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

running := 0

; === User settings ===

swap := false

; swap := true ; swap scroll direction

; horiz := false

horiz := false ; use horizontal movement as input

k := 2 ; scroll speed coefficient (higher k means higher speed)

; === Internal settings ===

scrollsLimit := 15 ; max amount of scroll at once

S := 12 ; unit distance (higher S = lower speed)

T := 30 ; scan frequency in MS (

; ==============

dy := 0

dyTotal := 0

scrollsTotal := 0

; #if running



sleep %T%

if (running) {

    ; mousegetpos, mx                       ; get current mouse position 

    mousegetpos, mx, my                     ; get current mouse position 

    if (horiz = 0) {

        dy := k \* (my - myLast)                        ; relative mouse movement vertical

        myLast := my                                    ; save position

    } else {

        dy := k \* (mx - mxLast)                        ; relative mouse movement horizontal

        mxLast := mx                                    ; save position


    dyTotal := dyTotal + dy

    scrolls := dyTotal // S

    dyTotal := dyTotal - scrolls \* S                   ; calculate remainder after division

    direction := (scrolls >= 0) \^ swap             ; get direction

    scrollsN := abs(scrolls)

    scrollsTotal := scrollsTotal + scrollsN

    n := min(scrollsN, scrollsLimit)

    ; tooltip,  %scrolls% -- %dy%

    if (direction = 1) 

        send, {wheeldown %n%} 

    if (direction = 0) 

        send, {wheelup %n%} 



SetTimer, Check, 20



If Zone("scrolling_zone")


running := 1

dyTotal := 0

mousegetpos, mxLast, myLast



If Zone("non_scrolling_zone")


running := 0

if (scrollsTotal = 0)

send {rbutton}

scrollsTotal := 0




a := 1713

b := 1160

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

MouseGetPos, mX, mY

scrolling_zone := (mX > a && mY < b)

non_scrolling_zone := (mX < a OR mY > b)

If (name = "scrolling_zone")

return scrolling_zone

else if (name = "non_scrolling_zone")

return non_scrolling_zone


/r/AutoHotkey Thread