Invalid argument on PixelSearch command

Thank you, it works better now. I barely can wrap my head around anything related to programming. The cursor is able to find the color now, but I'll try my best to keep working on figuring out how to get it to loop instead of just completing the task once per F1 key hit. And also having the mouse hold left click while completing the other tasks.

 SendMode Input
 SetKeyDelay -1
 CoordMode, Mouse, Client


 MouseMove 100, 590
 Sleep 5
 Send {Click down}
 Sleep 100
 Send {W down}
 Sleep 5
 Send {W up}
 Sleep 5
 PixelSearch, foundX, foundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, 0xE1C971, 10, Fast RGB
 If !(ErrorLevel)
     MouseClick, Left, foundX, foundY, 1, 0
 Sleep 100
 Send {Click up}
 Sleep 5

/r/AutoHotkey Thread Parent