Here, I fixed the sign:

As a gay man I can tell you there is properly a link between homosexuality and increased amount of "child abuse." When you take population percentages into account. Any gay man who tries to claim otherwise is living a very sheltered closeted life. It's kind of a weird subject because there are a lot of young gay boys out there or boys who want to experiment and a lot of older gay men who love nothing more than to take advantage of them. It's statuary rape, quite common and older men have so much more power over younger boys. There is also the stigmata of it not really many places to turn in society if you're young and gay.

I think it's wrong but there is no willingness by the community, after all every ad campaign is put out like wee are just like straights but we gay's aren't like straight people our sub culture is really quite disgusting, more so than anything I've heard or looked at in the straight community. What I find funny is a lot of these anti gay people are spot on with it like they're either gay themselves or someone is feeding them information.

/r/melbourne Thread Link -