Here’s the (Kinda) Low Tier Team I used to get the Trimmed Medal on MN-8, Hope it helps.

I actually came up with this Team Comp on my own after about 15 practice runs, and I managed to use some lower tier Ops in higher tier Op’s place. Replaced Saria with Gummy and her second skill, Replaced Hoshi with Cuora, got rid of Silver Ash and Thorns and put Melantha there instead. I was trying to make this team completely low tier but none of the other Ops I had could kill those initial 8 drones quick enough besides Eyja and Exusiai.

(One thing to note though, Myrtle’s skill is at M3, that first few seconds is critical to the whole thing. Gotta get Myrtle and then Vigna out to deal with the enemies while also gaining DP to deploy Exusiai and Eyja quick enough to kill those drones. So M3 on her skill might be necessary.)

My buddy also tried this team but replaced Surtr with Silver Ash, Moved Cuora a block back and placed down Utage when the coked up Sarkaz Twins came out... Hope this manages to help some people, think this is the first guide I ever contributed to the sub.

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