Hey, just found this sub, but I have a few concerns.

Welcome, newfriend. This server is very welcoming to new players, and you will be fine as long as you follow some general guidelines.


  • Always replant when you harvest in other people's farms

  • If you something says do not enter/you cannot open a door, ask someone for permission to enter, do not trespass/try to get around it.

  • Stay out of drama. I've had more than my fair share of it, and it kind of just follows you around permanently after you get a starting base of drama.

  • Private towns are private, they should have signs indicating as such, and it is foolish to enter a private town without permission.

If you break any of those, there are these things called snitches (they are jukebox blocks that have been reinforced with citadel) that log actions, and you will probably get pearled for breaking one of the above guidelines.

To start out, I recommend joining a city. In fact, I recommend the Kaiserinreich, it is a german themed town ruled by /u/novaceasar who is a big fan (I can only guess you like it from your name) of Dr. Who. You'd learn the basics there, and make some nice friends if you decide to live there.

There are certain areas that I recommend you avoid unless you talk with leaders from towns, such as chanadians towns (you may ask access, but it is recommended that you understand 4chan/8chan before entering). Libertas and Duck city are two other towns that are very private, you can probably gain access to Libertas if you talk to Sintralin and seem like a cool person, and may get access to Duck city if you talk to cliffnerd.

Some last few notes, and comments: Read the sidebar on sub for information, don't take the game too seriously, make sure (you can't enjoy the game as much in my opinion if you don't) download mumble (mumble server ip is the same as server ip), and have fun.

I wish you good luck playing civcraft, and hope we get to meet up in mumble or in game sometime.

/r/Civcraft Thread