Hi I'm new to GG and trying to figure out what my twitter feed is so active over. Game Gahzi banned me, KiA sent me here

I guess my interpretation of common ground is a bit loose, because I meant the meaning to not just half ass an end result. I find objectifying people horrible, but then I also never liked that power fantasy where your character can just go around virtually unopposed. I've always been invested in the characters or the struggle. And those can exist without shoehorning in token characters. If a female character fits a role, great. Samus, for example, is a character I love because she fits her role. (Except... I think Other M? That was terrible, it was completely out of character). Mass Effects gender choice was great, because the character was great and it didn't feel forced. But say a modern game ostensibly based on a real military unit(I.E. older Call of Duties), if they put a female character in as a front line soldier it would be weird and forced.

Yes, women could do with a better portrayal in gaming, but that shouldn't be at the expense of the games. Forcing in token characters that don't fit, or Mary Suing women characters doesn't make it better. Well written characters have flaws, and fit their roles. I'd compare it to Admiral Thrawn in starwars. Hes an alien, but an admiral in a fleet of people who hate aliens. He fits, because he fought long and hard for that role, and proved he was worth the position over a human. That beats having a character be a woman or minority for the sake of including one and ignoring the context.

As for my views on feminism, I admit it comes strongly for the Tumblr crowd who are as fringe as it gets. But even ignoring them, I see it in the people I interact with. My own personal experiences show that those who openly affiliate as feminist can be extremely demeaning to men based on gender, and believe women to be the superior gender. Its disheartening to me, because I know that those who are against women's right to equality use it as ammunition against them, and that the women I care about aren't treated seriously because of it. I chose to become egalitarian because equality for all. It shows a goal with the core value of feminism and disassociates with those who use the movement to serve their own agenda.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread