Historical question: What was I doing in 1776?

The sources are dubious, I wouldn't trust the Brookings Institute, Washington Post, anything written by Elizabeth Dickinson, and neocon think-tanks. The neocon lobby is waging a propaganda war against Kuwait. They don't have a shred of evidence linking any of our charities to funding terror. There has been a law monitoring charities for a long time (not just recently), terror funding was always a crime and all charities have been strictly monitored for years. Source:

«الشؤون»: لا دلائل على تورط العمل الخيري في الكويت.. بتمويل الإرهاب

عيسى الكندري: الجمعيات الخيرية الكويتية لا تدعم الإرهاب

المباركي:الكويت لاتأخذ باي اتهامات لمواطنين وجمعيات مبنية على شبهات

السليمي لـ الجريدة.: رقابة صارمة على الجمعيات الخيرية لمنع وصول أموالها إلى الإرهابيين

«الشؤون»: اتهامات «العمل الخيري» بدعم الإرهاب بلا دليل

The truth is these ''think-tanks'' and media outlets have an agenda and they are spreading propaganda and misinformation against Kuwait. They are not reliable sources, their journalists are on payroll of US government or congress.

/r/illuminati Thread Link - bavarian-illuminati.info