
Bruh you need to learn to read.... because I clearly did, I just didn't do the MP which is not the only part of the game... and if that's your only benchmark for a "good game" why are you not hyping APEX Legends instead which is 100% exclusively MP and doesn't even pretend to have a SP?

Nor did I say it was entirely bad, but it was definitely overrated because it's packaged as a complete game... but you can do everything in the SP and all SP achievements in under 12 hours and all achievements on the hardest difficulty which is not a very long game.

MP alone does not make a game good.... and APEX Legends give you the Titanfall 2 MP experience, and is free-to-play, which makes paying $40 for Titanfall 2 ridiculously expensive for no reason. If Titanfall 2 had been a DLC expansion to Titanfall 1 and 50% the price, it would not have been "underrated" as you call it... because it's be fair content for the price.

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