This keeps coming round and round, but I have to say I really believe attendance is poor because: - Marketing! If the media forgets about you, that’s bad. What is the FO doing to get sports talk radio and the TV sports people taking about the team? If no one is getting you hyped, you won’t go if you aren’t a regular fan already. - There’s staff everywhere at an Astros game and they are very helpful. BBVA, not so much. We sat in front of a family that couldn’t find their seat and I could overhear them asking where the staff were. They were obviously Astros regulars because casual fans don’t by a $300 Astros purse. The lady said when they left, “this was a pain in the ass. We’ll just watch it on TV.” I don’t know what all she was annoyed about but it seemed like the first and last time for them. - Just enough fans are obnoxious and see above, there isn’t anyone to tell them to calm down or get to their seat. Last year we told no less than a dozen people to get out of our seats. Happened nearly every game and had more than one person tell me to prove they were mine. We were season ticket holders and my name was on the damn thing. I saw four different instances of people having to tell someone to get out of their seats Saturday and saw some STHs get into it because the people around them didn’t police the seats so people wouldn’t sit there while they left. - Concessions are mostly bad and overpriced compared to the competition and they’ve raised prices from last year. I don’t know what they need to do since my specialty is IT, not marketing a sports franchise but they need to step it up.

/r/dynamo Thread Link - i.redd.it