Holding Dream accountable

I think OP has the ideology that posts talking about where fans see flaws with Dream/ or where there is room for improvements/ things they are concerned with is a net positive - which I agree with - obviously more people talking about something like how they think him not responding to others is disrespectful while also not villianzing him is going to be a better way to deliver that concern?

Of course, it’s entirely with the tone, it’s easy to come off objective when lots of complaints come from subjective analysis. Or coming off as an entitled fan - especially in regards to lack of content. Fans who express what they want out of a creator/express disappointment and do so in good faith do have a better chance of improving community growth - both from fans who would otherwise downplay or misinterpret valid concerns or actually get Dream to think about the fans concerns if he hadn’t before, he can still choose to do otherwise but providing feedback isn’t good when it’s all positive.

/r/DreamWasTaken2 Thread Parent