Hot take: This is the best set TFT has released.

Forcing comps will always be the same. Right now I can guarantee a top 3 finish if I can force a Yone/Lux comp. The problem is, starting with +1 Academy/+1 Arcanist/+1 Scholar or some shit on the first round when other people get items, sunfire board, etc. massively increases my chances at losing. Sunfire Board is something that can't even be played around, you immediately lose 50% healing and 20% health without any counterplay.

Now, I am having fun with this set. That is definitely there. I love the randomness of it all, because it forces people that were good at previous metas to have to play around RNG. But as far as this being balanced? It absolutely is not. Everyone in higher tiers right now is rushing Academy/Challenger/Blitzcrank and it is the most annoying shit to play against.

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