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Description movie Congo (1995):

When an expedition to the African Congo ends in disaster, a new team is assembled to find out what went wrong.


FULL MOVIE Congo (1995)

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ojdsvsh457noey5ub346 The scoops for the saucers are silver instead of black. The insert closest to the lower saucer says See Map instead of just Map and is purple instead of green. The Skill Fire insert is green instead of purple. Red circuit boards all underneath the playfield. In the nearby wreckage of a cargo plane, they find a usable hot-air balloon, and prepare to leave. Peter sees Amy watch a pack of mountain gorillas nearby, and lets her go, telling her goodbye. The three take off in the balloon, and Karen has Peter throw away the diamond as they leave. Karen Ross, an electronics expert for TraviCom, and a former CIA operative, who hopes to find her ex-fiancé lost in a previous expedition to the Congo. Peter Elliott, a primatologist of Berkeley, California who wants to return his gorilla, Amy, to her birthplace in the Congo s Virunga region. In Africa, the group meets their expert guide Captain Munro Kelly (Ernie Hudson) but they are captured by the local authorities and militia leader named Captain Wanta (Delroy Lindo) who grants them passage for a sizable bribe. Frank Welker provided the vocal effects for gorillas. They continue by boat, and learn that Homolka is interested in finding Zinj and its fabled diamond mine; Homolka believes that Amy s drawings suggests she has seen the mine and hopes she will lead them there. Ernie Hudson as Captain Munro Kelly, the Great White Hunter and mercenary who leads the group. A video game based on the film, Congo The Movie: The Lost City of Zinj, was released in 1996. Jerry Goldsmith (Feel) the Spirit of Africa John Patrick Shanley Best Science Fiction Film Congo at the Internet Movie Database Congo at Rotten Tomatoes Il giorno seguente i superstiti Elliot, Ross, Omolka, Munro, Amy e gli altri portatori tra cui uno di nome Kahega si avventurano nel tempio trovando il nascondiglio dei diamanti blu. Omolka però, appena afferrato un diamante, viene assalito da alcuni gorilla, che alla luce del sole rivelano il loro aspetto mostruoso e deforme. Mentre gli altri incominciano a sparare contro i gorilla che continuano ad apparire da ogni anfratto, Omolka lotta con tutte le sue forze e tenta la fuga, ma un gorilla gli salta addosso e tutti gli altri si avventano su di lui uccidendolo. I restanti esploratori scappano, ma Kahega rimane a sparare ai gorilla insieme a Munro mentre Elliot e Ross vanno in ricerca di una via d uscita.


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