So how are we liking atomic heart so far? Been playing for a few hours seems good right now.

I'm only a few hours in but I've caught a couple bits anti-communist propaganda;

Lenin statues look angry for no reason, and lack nameplates

Social status Hierarchies in the lunchroom announcements

No communist country has ever implemented a social ranking hierarchy

Really depends on your definition of Communism.

If you're going by Stalinism-Leninism then yeah, I can see why you'd have an issue with it,

But if you're Marxist-Communist then of course you'll remember about the concept of State withering - and if this Russia is the real communist utopia then what happened to it?

More than being an anti-Communist game, the game is criticizing the totalitarian government of the USSR and by proxy, the current state of totalitarian Russia. It's not an anti Communist game, in fact, it clearly states that there's good in its ideals, but it's certainly an anti totalitarian game.

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