This Is Not What I Expected - Does Ethics Exist Within Federal Job?

Although it may be small to some readers based on comments I'm reading, this is how I view the situation. The Mint is a secured facility with a policy that states no weapons allowed in the building. On my first day working with my Lead, this is what happens.

The lead asks me to open some new material. No problem. He attempts to hand me a 3"-4" pocketknife. I look at the knife.

Me: No thank you. I'll use something else.
Him: It's okay. Go on ahead and take it.
Me: No, that's alright. I don't want to use it.
Him: What's the problem? What? Are you scared to touch it? It's alright.
Me: Oh, I'm good. I'll get something else.
Him: Here, just take the knife.
Me (as I'm walking to the tool boxes): I said, No!

No more than 3 minutes later, a supervisor from a completely different department walks by and stares at me while I'm working. Imagine if a new employee, me, was holding that knife while working.

/r/usajobs Thread