Mortgage Purchase Apps at Lowest Reading of the 21st Century

Thanks for staying strong on this and doubling down without anyone trying to confuse you into a different conclusion. The “higher ups” in here move the goalposts every 3-6 months, and now we’re being told below that it will take a year from now until prices really reflect just how bad the market is getting. These is so completely different from what was being preached in here in the new year of 2022 last year and into the spring. Trust me, in case you haven’t been here that long.

This was never touted as a Don’t expect anything changes until after 2024 scenario in January - April of 2022. Now, higher ups say “why would you expect this to take any shorter, dummy. These things take y-e-a-r-s to unravel. Point is, nobody knew the market was going to be this defiant and strong and it’s truly not following the same thought dynamics of 2008, nor should it.

Stay true to your findings and conclusions. The gaslight and “follow my lead on what this graph/chart/data really means in here” is strong.

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