How do I build my polymer 80 76% frame

I think it's more of a YouTube not allowing it on their platform and hosting videos on a web host costs money. I understand the justification for charging people. Hosting a site with the amount of traffic that those videos had been getting on YouTube can be expensive. If they were free they would have to litter the website with google adsense pop-up ads to pay for it. There are sites that have MGBs old videos for free and Im sure the new ones will end up on a free site or forum eventually. $25 registration fee gives acces to the support and content. The classes are optional for those who learn better with an instructor led environment. You can ask questions if you don't understand something or make a mistake in the moment etc. Other students can help and you have access to MGB and the other instructors personally. They're the real people not bots or random people in India lol

With that said IM not paying for it as Im more of a figure it out myself and if I make a mistake I know what NOT to do the next time. But, I understand why they're charging and why some would pay.

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