How is this champion hard?

Ahri's is an ultimate with a 60+ second cooldown. Azir's at 15 (12 on latter points)? Also he can pseudo flash with W into E, he doesn't need to Q, WQE is better but he can still dash out with WE. In conclusion Azir is less gankable than Ahri pre and post level 6.

I laughed my ass off at you saying Azir has low but guaranteed damage when he can chunk down 30% of your health with 2 soldier auto attacks.

Azir has better pre 6 waveclear than Anivia and post 6 it's not better in sheer speed and numbers, but better because you can't contest it. It's easier to fight an Anivia using R on the wave than an Azir spamming AA/Q with his soldiers. They zone you with more range and damage than Anivia.

Lucian is the same as Azir in that if you're remotely close to him you're losing 30% of your health in a split second. I see no big difference.

Lastly I don't see how you can be better than someone by spamming lane-long auto attacks that shit damage and zoning the enemy from csing or they die instantly in 2 hits.

Just another example of the lovely game design and overloaded kits that Riot loves to shit out, at the detriment of other players that have to stomach fighting against those broken and oppressive champions.

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