Who do I ban?

His Q cd is high and it’s all his damage, so we play the lane around it. Our job is to be threatening enough that he has to use Q to farm, and then play up in his face while he’s waiting for the CD.

In practice: we need to take ignite, cheap shot, electrocute. Level 1 don’t let him auto minions without taking soldier damage, force him to decide between last hitting with Q or getting chunked. Then build a slowpush in the first 2 waves.

When it crashes on the third wave we can do a ton of punishment since his shadow combo isn’t up yet, so he’ll have to decide between losing 2 waves of gold to turret or half his hp

Usually by here he’s either extremely behind in cs, or about 40% hp. If he’s low he can’t ever use the shadow combo, because then you can just all in with elec and ignite. Keep up this style of play and usually you’ll get a 30-40 cs lead by 10 mins.

Since you outrange him he has to walk straight at you to use his shadow combo, which makes them really really obvious. Usually just W-E sideways to dodge then walk directly at him, force him under turret and zone him off cs and xp for the next 15 sec.

It’s also honestly usually not a big deal to eat his WEQ, since you can deal more than that back over the next 15 sec of his shadow cd.

The way you lose the lane is by jungle pressure bc we have the push early game, so it’s important to get a good river ward after the 3rd wave crashes.

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