How is Cultural Marxism antisemitic?

Karl Marx was jewish lol, as were a massive chunk of communist agitators, labor "organizers", union bosses, etc and others who sabotaged Germany's efforts during WWI, destroyed the German nation with monetary and social policy after WWI, and brought down the Russian Empire. Calling out what we now know as "cultural marxism" is "antisemitic" because the weaponization of cultural marxism seems to be largely semitic in nature.

Also, you can't be an individualist at the national/state level because everyone around you sees themselves as a group, and seeing yourself as an individual gets you killed in that case. Doing so doesn't make you some noble philosopher, it makes you or your people/group/culture dead in the short or long term.

Peterson is a fool/shill when it comes to his individualistic BS. Human nature is tribal, few times has an individual faced down a tribe. He has to know this.

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