How did you get out of this church?

My best friend was in the church and used to invite me when we were kids, fast forward 10 years later some of my close family and friends started joining.
I wanted to learn more about Christ so I started attending bible studies and eventually got brainwashed baptized into the church.
Fast forward a year I essentially put 2-2 together and realized I was part of a cult.
I started gathering pages of arguments and presented them to head-deacons, ministers, even the district DM.
My locale minister really got me, telling me I have been swayed by the devil and that I was confused, I made an FB post outlining a handful of alleged murders, one of them proven in the INC compounds.
Anyways I regretted the post and took it down. I have had people message me telling me they are still my friends etc.

Honestly, aside from the cult mentality the members are generally nice to me, they were bearable.
Some members helped me get a job, referred to me another job etc.
I love love love my friends that I met in the Church, and I know deep down some are really fantastic people. If I could do it over again I would have silently left, not hurting my own image, and would have unfold my plan for truth with patience in mind.

I hurt a lot of feelings with my FB post, I don't regret attacking EVM, I regret breaking my relationship with the members that showed they cared for me.

/r/exIglesiaNiCristo Thread