"I was an iron soldier. I was trained to suck it up and drive on."

The funniest thing about this post is that pills seems to be the only thing that works. When I got back from Iraq we didn't receive help. I didn't receive any real help even with my call to the chaplain for suicidal behavior that got me 2 weeks walking around with a pt vest, no laces and 24hr buddy watch. This was 2004. I served my time and I did it honorably but I belonged to recon division and I was trained to suck it up. I was a scout who became a tanker to fill an empty spot in a tank platoon. I went into Iraq (invasion into Iraq) not knowing anything about my new position. I did it with no questions. But I have severe PTSD from all of that and I knew when I called that Chaplain something was different. In 2005 I pcs'd to Ft. Knox KY with pogs, I had to deal with units of no one who had any combat experience outside of the training manual. There were a few of us who deployed but that number wasn't high at that time. I was kicked out later that year bc I honestly didn't care anymore about anything. I was an alcoholic and I was losing everything. I didn't even know I had PTSD until I heard an NPR show about it. I went to the VA and cried bc I thought that the Army finally knew what I was going through. They didn't. In 2011 I attempted suicide by overdose and went through a bad coma. I still can't sleep without pills, I can't think right without pills, I can't care or adjust to anything. I did learn to keep moving bc once I quit I feel like it'll be 2011 all over. I honestly still feel like I'm alone. It feels like everyone I knew except my mother and my new wife have given up on me. I can't function without pills, the answers always seem to be to numb those feelings and try to forget it. My thing is with your post is how can you sit there and tell me pills are not the answer. We all don't have that strong support.

Sorry for the long rant and grammar.

/r/ptsd Thread Link - app.com